Top performance – The GIG teams brave the weather

Also in 2011 GIG participates with its own teams in the corporate challenges in Frankfurt/Main and Berlin.

On June 15, 2011 the runners had to cope with humid temperatures and dark clouds on the horizon when the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge started. 6,636 teams were lining up for the run over a distance of 5.6 km. Jana Röder and Michael Straub started for the GIG team and were cheered on by numerous fans among their colleagues.

On June 22, 2011 the GIG joined the 5 x 5 km TEAM Relay in Berlin. When the starting signal sounded, the rain started pouring. If you had brought your shampoo, you would have saved yourself the shower. In spite of these odds, the GIG runners achieved sensational results. With 1:53:26 the GIG team scored the fourth-best time in the company history. With this result they ranked 78 out of 1.389 relay teams. We congratulate Torsten and Andreas Hannusch, Frank Wiedemann, Dustin Sporn and Rene Derdulla! Our respect for Angelika Schult, Steffen Sagasser and Dirk Spohn, who cheered on the team in spite of cold and rain.

JP Morgan-Lauf 2011, Frankfurt/Main
TEAM Relay 2011, Berlin